
Two-sided impulse response and its inverse in real life

Two-sided impulse response and its inverse in real life
  1. Why is impulse response important?
  2. What does the impulse response tell us?
  3. What is impulse signal in DSP?

Why is impulse response important?

Why the impulse response is important. The impulse response of a system is important because the response of a system to any arbitrary input can calculated from the system impulse response using a convolution integral.

What does the impulse response tell us?

An impulse is a signal with amplitude of 1 at t = 0 and zero everywhere else. Using an impulse to excite a system provides “infinite” frequency content, i.e. the impulse response tells us how the system will behave for inputs at all frequencies.

What is impulse signal in DSP?

A signal, which satisfies the condition, δ(t)=limϵ→∞x(t) is known as unit impulse signal. This signal tends to infinity when t = 0 and tends to zero when t ≠ 0 such that the area under its curve is always equals to one. The delta function has zero amplitude everywhere excunit_impulse.

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