
Peak deconvolution python

Peak deconvolution python
  1. What is peak deconvolution?
  2. How do you find the peak of a Gaussian in Python?
  3. What is Peakutils?

What is peak deconvolution?

'Deconvolution' is the method of involving the process of decomposing peaks that. overlap with each other. It is required to extract the information about the hidden. peak/peaks.

How do you find the peak of a Gaussian in Python?

For a normal distribution, the peak will be located at the mean, so the peak coordinates would be (mu, a) for an expression like gauss = a*exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2*sig**2)) .

What is Peakutils?

This package provides utilities related to the detection of peaks on 1D data. Includes functions to estimate baselines, finding the indexes of peaks in the data and performing Gaussian fitting or centroid computation to further increase the resolution of the peak detection.

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