
Output data rate vs sample rate

Output data rate vs sample rate
  1. What is the output data rate?
  2. What is data sample rate?
  3. Is sampling rate the same as bandwidth?
  4. What is sample rate in data acquisition?

What is the output data rate?

Output Data Rate (ODR): Rate (in Hz) at which new sensor data are available to the user. g: This is unit of acceleration for accelerometers: 1 g is equal to 9.80665 m/s2 °/s or dps (degree per second): This is the unit of angular rate for gyroscopes.

What is data sample rate?

Sampling rate or sampling frequency defines the number of samples per second (or per other unit) taken from a continuous signal to make a discrete or digital signal.

Is sampling rate the same as bandwidth?

Sampling rate determines the sound frequency range (corresponding to pitch) which can be represented in the digital waveform. The range of frequencies represented in a waveform is often called its bandwidth.

What is sample rate in data acquisition?

One of the most important specifications of a DAQ device is the sampling rate, which is the speed at which the DAQ device's ADC takes samples of a signal. Typical sampling rates are either hardware- or software-timed and are up to rates of 2 MS/s.

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