
Linearization of nonlinear discrete-time systems

Linearization of nonlinear discrete-time systems
  1. How can a nonlinear system be linearized?
  2. What is the most common method to linearize non linear functions?
  3. Why do we Linearize our dynamic models?
  4. What is the purpose of linearization of the nonlinear EOM of an airplane?

How can a nonlinear system be linearized?

Linearization is a linear approximation of a nonlinear system that is valid in a small region around an operating point. For example, suppose that the nonlinear function is y = x 2 . Linearizing this nonlinear function about the operating point x = 1, y = 1 results in a linear function y = 2 x − 1 .

What is the most common method to linearize non linear functions?

The most common linearization method i.e. expansion in Taylor's series around the equilibrium point is a very effective approximation of the non-linear model only for some minor deviation of state vari- ables from the equilibrium point [4].

Why do we Linearize our dynamic models?

Linearization can be used to give important information about how the system behaves in the neighborhood of equilibrium points. Typically we learn whether the point is stable or unstable, as well as something about how the system approaches (or moves away from) the equilibrium point.

What is the purpose of linearization of the nonlinear EOM of an airplane?

Infinitesimal small external disturbances lead to mostly linear variations of equilibrium operating flight conditions. Thus, we can linearize mathematical equations of rigid body dynamics and aerodynamics models to analyze flight dynamic stability and design control laws for operating equilibrium flight conditions.

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