
Eirp vs transmit power

Eirp vs transmit power

The EIRP is equal to the transmit power of the AP radio plus the antenna gain and minus any cable loss between the antenna and transmitter. For example a 20dBm (100mW) transmitter with a 2dBi antenna (and assume it's an internal antenna with negligible loss), then the EIRP would be 22dBi.

  1. What is transmission power EIRP?
  2. What is the difference between ERP and EIRP?
  3. What is EIRP used for?

What is transmission power EIRP?

Equivalent isotropic radiated power, EIRP, is the total radiated power from a transmitter antenna times the numerical directivity of the antenna in the direction of the receiver, or the power delivered to the antenna times the antenna numerical gain.

What is the difference between ERP and EIRP?

ERP is the total power radiated by an antenna relative to a half wave-length dipole antenna. Half wave-length dipole antennas' gain is 2.15 dBi theoretically. EIRP: EIRP is the total power radiated by an isotropic antenna in a single direction.

What is EIRP used for?

EIRP (Effective Isotropic Radiated Power) is a calculation used to estimate the radiated output power of an isotropic antenna (a theoretical half wave dipole antenna that radiates perfectly in all directions). This formula takes into account transmitter output power, cable loss, and antenna gain.

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