
Comparing groups with different sample sizes

Comparing groups with different sample sizes
  1. How do you compare data with different sample sizes?
  2. What statistics is used to compare groups with different sample sizes?
  3. Can you compare unequal sample sizes?
  4. What happens when sample sizes are different?

How do you compare data with different sample sizes?

One way to compare the two different size data sets is to divide the large set into an N number of equal size sets. The comparison can be based on absolute sum of of difference. THis will measure how many sets from the Nset are in close match with the single 4 sample set.

What statistics is used to compare groups with different sample sizes?

Welch's t-test, (or unequal variances t-test,) is a two-sample location test which is used to test the hypothesis that two populations have equal means.

Can you compare unequal sample sizes?

Yes, you can perform a t-test when the sample sizes are not equal. Equal sample sizes is not one of the assumptions made in a t-test. The real issues arise when the two samples do not have equal variances, which is one of the assumptions made in a t-test.

What happens when sample sizes are different?

Unequal sample sizes can lead to: Unequal variances between samples, which affects the assumption of equal variances in tests like ANOVA. Having both unequal sample sizes and variances dramatically affects statistical power and Type I error rates (Rusticus & Lovato, 2014). A general loss of power.

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